Learn to make Intuitive Nature Medicine

Intuitive nature medicine is very different from western medicine, and even western herbalism.

Rather than using the physical, chemical constituents of plant medicine, intuitive nature medicine taps into the energetic and consciousness of the natural world in order to create resonances in the human body.

In this class, we will dive deep into the theoretical mechanics of this kind of medicine, and three different ways to make it.

Steeped in theory and effective practices, this class will teach you the skills to become proficient in connecting with nature and creating beautiful concoctions that support your intentions and energetic refocusing.

We look at techniques to support energetic wellness, plus the lunar, solar, and astrological associations that increase the efficacy of your creations. 

Join now to receive long-term access to the entire class.

As a long-term creator of Bach Flower Remedies and practitioner of spiritual nature connection, I have developed this immersive class that will teach you an in-depth theory of how nature medicine works, and several techniques to make your own.

*Modelled on the Bach Flower Remedies process, but applied more widely to other natural resonances - the teachings in this class are designed with safety and caution in mind, and have been tried and tested over many years. The processes in this class are energetic in nature.

Register now to receive...

  • 1.5 hours of video instruction

  • Guided trance journey to meet natural beings

  • Detailed theory and practice for accurate and effective results

  • Teachings on energetic healing practices and intention setting

  • 10 page PDF workbook that outlines the class instructions

  • 5 page PDF workbook that outlines solar, lunar, and astrological associations to support nature medicine-making

  • Strong adherence to best practices and safety

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Nature Medicine

    • Lesson 1: Theory and Energetic Bathing
    • Trance Journey
    • Lesson 2: Indirect Water Imprinting Method
    • Lesson 3: Direct Water Imprinting Method
    • Nature Medicine-Making Associations
    • Short Q&A


Robyn Watt

Animist Practitioner and Teacher

Robyn Watt

I have been practising and training in earth-honouring practices for 25+ years, with a particular focus on animist traditions of the British Isles, somatic nature connection, ancestor reverence, and embodied intuition. As an English person living in Canada, I follow the path of Gaelic Polytheism and animism in reverence of my ancestry. I am also a mother to three daughters.